High Truths on Drugs and Addiction

High Truths on Drugs and Addiction is a podcast hosted by Dr. Roneet Lev, an emergency and addiction physician who has served at the White House and practices on the front lines. Each Monday new ...more

Latest Episodes


July 22, 2024 01:14:42
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Episode #187 High Truths on Drugs and Addiction with Sara Carter and Investigative Journalism



July 15, 2024 01:15:33
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Episode #186 High Truths on Drugs and Addiction with Amy Ronshausen and Drug Free America Foundation

Amy Ronshausen is the Executive Director of both Drug Free America Foundation, Inc. and Save Our Society From Drugs (S.O.S.), national nonprofit organizations that...



July 08, 2024 01:04:28
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Episode #185 High Truths on Drugs and Addiction with Thomas Freese and Methamphetamine Use Disorder

  Thomas E. Freese, Ph.D., received his doctorate degree in clinical psychology from the California School of Professional Psychology in 1995. Dr. Freese is currently...



July 01, 2024 00:59:09
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Episode #184 High Truths on Drugs and Addiction with Melissa Baldwin and Human Trafficking

Melissa Baldwin is a storyteller at heart.  She received her degree in theatre and spent over 20 years performing and teaching.  In addition, she...



June 24, 2024 01:07:52
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Episode #183 High Truths on Drugs and Addiction and Dr. Douglas Roehler on CDC Cannabis Unit

CDC has several different units working on different diseases and injury prevention, even one dedicated to cannabis. To learn more about the CDC’s Cannabis...



June 17, 2024 01:12:11
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Episode #182 High Truths on Drugs and Addiction on Rescheduling of Marijuana with IASIC

Is it just pot and an inconsequential debate on changing the schedule of marijuana or is it much more? Are we talking about individual...
