Latest Episodes

Episode #33 High Truths with Dr. La Pietra and Alternative to Opioids for Pain
Perhaps 100 young people may be prescribed opioid pain killers for extracts wisdom teeth or a broken bone and only a handful may feel...

Episode #32 High Truths with Jo McGuire on Drug Testing
Drug testing became a standard after a landmark even in 1981 when a marine warfare jet slammed into the USS Nimitz’s flight deck. Autopsies...

Episode #31 High Truths with Dr. Paula Gordon on Second Hand Marijuana Smoke
Smoke free policies are aimed at protecting the non-smoker. What are the effects of secondhand marijuana smoke? Learn fro High Truths expert, Dr. Paula...

Episode #30 High Truths with Phil Drum on Drugged Driving
Drugged Driving is a national problem – both from legal and illegal drugs. Listen to High Truths Expert Dr. Phillip Drum discuss the problem...

Episode #29 High Truth with Dr. Robert Page, The American Heart Association position on protecting your heart from marijuana
There are thousands of publications each year, but the American Heart Association (AHA) publication stands out – it is special – a landmark article....

Episode #28 High Truth with HIDTA Director David King
What does law enforcement do beside arrest people for drugs? You will be surprised about the collaboration of law enforcement with the medical community,...