195. Ethics of Addiction Care | Nicholas King

Episode 195 September 16, 2024 01:28:38
195. Ethics of Addiction Care | Nicholas King
High Truths on Drugs and Addiction
195. Ethics of Addiction Care | Nicholas King

Sep 16 2024 | 01:28:38


Show Notes

What are the ethics in public health and addiction treatment? Is it for the better good of the public or the individual? Does the definition change when it comes to drugs?

Nicholas B. King is an associate professor in the Biomedical Ethics Unit and Department of Social Studies of Medicine, and associate member of Department of Epidemiology, Biostatistics, and Occupational Health at McGill University. He directs the Montreal Health Equity Research Consortium (MHERC), a multi-disciplinary project investigating health and health equity research and policies. Dr. King conducts research in the following areas: (1) The role of social context, framing effects, and biases in the production and interpretation of health information; (2) Public health ethics and policy, including the ethics of biosecurity and public health preparedness; and (3) Health inequalities and the social determinants of health. He has published in the BMJPLOS Medicine, the American Journal of Public Health, and the Bulletin of the World Health Organization.


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