Dawn, a prevention specialist noticed brightly colored packing of mushroom products in a smoke shop near a school. She wanted to know what they were selling children. Dawn found Josh Swider who agreed to testing of several products. The results were shocking - the products included a range of chemicals from THC to bath salts. Consumer protections are important for food and all types of drugs, especially when sold legally.
Josh began his career in chemistry at Eastern Washington University, where he earned his Bachelor of Science in Chemistry and degrees in physics and biology. His quest for a deeper understanding of science led him to graduate school, where he attended the joint doctoral program at the University of California, San Diego, and San Diego State University. Josh saw the problems in the analytical cannabis industry with the lack of analytical research and public understanding associated with it. He wanted to change this, and with his knowledge and passion for the industry, Josh founded the lab with fellow chemist Dave Marelius in 2016. Together they’ve made it InfiniteCAL’s mission to ensure only safe; quality products are allowed to be sold to consumers
What's the overlap in mental health and marijuana? Congressman Patrick Kennedy notes that Addiction for Profit Industry in Preying on Vulnerable populations including children....
Jason Graham, MD was appointed Chief Medical Examiner of New York City by Mayor Eric Adams in April 2022. In this role, he oversees...
Is there hope for severe addiction or substance use disorder? Absolutely, listen to Frank's inspiring story. Frank was a college professor in American Literature...