Episode #141 High Truths on Drugs and Addiction with Dr. Mahmoud ElSohly and growing marijuana for research

Episode 141 September 04, 2023 01:19:02
Episode #141 High Truths on Drugs and Addiction with Dr. Mahmoud ElSohly and growing marijuana for research
High Truths on Drugs and Addiction
Episode #141 High Truths on Drugs and Addiction with Dr. Mahmoud ElSohly and growing marijuana for research

Sep 04 2023 | 01:19:02


Show Notes

What is the difference between marijuana sold at a dispensary and marijuana used for research? There is a big difference? Listen to the world's leader in marijuana growth for research, Dr. Mahmoud ElSohly.

Dr. ElSohly received a B.S. in Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Chemistry and a M.S. in Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences from Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt, and a Ph.D. in Pharmacognosy from the University of Pittsburgh. He is board certified by the American Board of Forensic Medicine (BCFM) and the American College of Forensic Examiners (BCFE). Dr. ElSohly holds more than 30 patents dealing with the processing, testing, and detection of drugs of abuse along with other patents dealing with biologically active natural products and compositions for the treatment of cancer and other in the diagnostics area. He has authored over 250 scholarly articles and more than 200 presentations at scientific meetings of professional societies relative to drug discovery, analysis, and metabolism, and many of his articles deal with forensic issues of drugs of abuse. He is constantly presenting his research findings at national and international scientific conferences. He is a member of many scholarly scientific societies and was recognized by The Scientist (April 17, 1995) and Science Watch (January, 1995) as the second most cited author in forensic sciences in the world for the period 1981-1993. Dr. ElSohly is also recognized in the Journal of Analytical Toxicology (October issue, 2004) as being one of the top ten (3rd and 4th) Most Cited Authors and Most Prolific Authors in the journal between 1981 and 2003.

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