For every 1 adult who maybe stops smoking cigarettes by vaping, 80 new adolescents will take up vaping who would otherwise never have started. Let’s ban tobacco, but bring on vaping. These are frankly stupid health policies.
Listen to what Aaron Byzak has to say on the manner. A man who defeated the odds of a 9 on adverse childhood event (ACE) score to become a very successful man.
Aaron Byzak joined Tri-City Medical Center as the Chief External Affairs Officer in May 2018. In this role, Aaron is responsible for the medical center and healthcare district’s marketing, communications, government affairs, and community engagement activities.
For more than two decades, Aaron has served in positions of progressive leadership in Emergency Medical Services, health policy, healthcare management, and consulting. He has received numerous best practice awards and national recognition for his leadership and work in healthcare, public health, advocacy, and communications including four Emmy Awards. Aaron was recognized by the Health Care Communicators of San Diego County with the Communicator of the Year Award in 2017 and was chosen for the San Diego Business Journal’s 500 Most Influential list in 2019 and 2020.
A well-known advocate in the area of alcohol, tobacco, and other drug (ATOD) prevention, Aaron has served on the board of directors for the North Coastal Prevention Coalition (NCPC) since 2003, including eight years as president. A national leader in the development of innovative drug prevention programs, practices, and policies, NCPC earned the 2008 Got Outcomes! Coalition of Excellence/National Coalition of the Year from Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America (CADCA) and two National Exemplary Awards (2010, 2018) from the National Association of State Alcohol and Drug Abuse Directors (NASADAD).
Aaron was the founding chair of the Rx Abuse Task Force of San Diego County, is the recipient of the Red Ribbon Week Campaign/Drug Enforcement Administration’s Excellence in Prevention Advocacy Award in 2015, and was recognized in 2013 by the Alcohol Policy Panel of San Diego County for his leadership.
Aaron is also founder and chief advocate of Hazel’s Army, a community advocacy and education group that in 2014 helped pass the most comprehensive assisted living reform agenda in California’s history.
He earned his Master of Business Administration in Healthcare Management and Policy from
UC Irvine’s Merage School of Business and a Bachelor’s degree in Social Science from Chapman University. Additionally, Aaron earned certificates in leadership from Cornell University and UCLA’s Anderson School of Management. He is Board Certified in Healthcare Management as a Fellow of the American College of Healthcare Executives (FACHE). Aaron resides in Vista with his family.
There is a lot to learn from the history of Big Tobacco, and we can get that history from Professor Richard Daynard, the man...
Dr. Lev continued her visit at March and Ash marijuana store. After meeting Terry the store manager in Part 1, she meets sits with...
Drug testing became a standard after a landmark even in 1981 when a marine warfare jet slammed into the USS Nimitz’s flight deck. Autopsies...