Marc is a psychotherapist in private practice in Boulder, CO and the past President of the Four Corners Group Psychotherapy Society. He helps clients that have a harmful relationship to their inherent aggression or who are stuck in the pain of their repetition compulsions. Many of his clients struggle with addiction, anxiety, and self-sabotage. Marc helps people uncover and destroy the unconscious barriers that cripple them by using a blend of Modern Psychoanalytic and Contemplative Psychotherapy. His therapeutic style can best be described as irreverent with surprising moments of profound depth. Listen to Marc's podcast, From The Ashes.
Smoke free policies are aimed at protecting the non-smoker. What are the effects of secondhand marijuana smoke? Learn fro High Truths expert, Dr. Paula...
Addiction is a treatable disease, but how can people differential between quality care and fraud? Dr. Rosenthal dispels the truth on quality treatment. Mitchell...
What is the difference between recovery and sobriety? Have many chances should people get for recovery - 2? 3? 27? Listen to Dr. Lev...