Episode #46 High Truths with Dr. Richard Rawson and Treatment for Methamphetamine Use Disorder

Episode 46 November 08, 2021 01:09:45
Episode #46 High Truths with Dr. Richard Rawson and Treatment for Methamphetamine Use Disorder
High Truths on Drugs and Addiction
Episode #46 High Truths with Dr. Richard Rawson and Treatment for Methamphetamine Use Disorder

Nov 08 2021 | 01:09:45


Show Notes

Methamphetamine, a potent stimulant, is rampant on the West Coast of the United States and part of the trifecta of homelessness, mental health and methamphetamine use.  Dr. Richard Rawson is one of the nation’s experts on research and treatment for stimulant use disorder.

Richard A. Rawson, Ph.D., is Professor Emeritus at the UCLA Department of Psychiatry and a Research Professor at the Vermont Center for Behavior and Health at the University of Vermont.  He received a Ph.D. in experimental psychology from the University of Vermont in 1974. Dr. Rawson conducted numerous clinical trials on pharmacological and psychosocial/behavioral addiction treatments for the treatment of individuals with cocaine and methamphetamine disorders. He has conducted numerous treatment service evaluations including an evaluation of the Vermont Hub and Spoke treatment network.  He was a member of the Federal Methamphetamine Advisory Group to Attorney General Janet Reno (1996-2000) and has represented the US at numerous international meetings on methamphetamine.  He has led addiction research and training projects for the United Nations, the World Health Organization and the U.S. State Department, exporting science-based knowledge to many parts of the world. Dr. Rawson has published 3 books, 40 book chapters, and over 250 peer-reviewed articles and has conducted over 1,000 workshops, paper presentations, and training sessions.

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